Houston Chinese Church 曉士頓中國教會

Houston Chinese Church 曉士頓中國教會

Introduction by Pastor William Hsueh:

"We are a Christian community of individuals hailing from different ethnic backgrounds. Even though the majority of our church is of Chinese descent, we welcome everyone regardless of ethnicity or race. We strive to be a richly diverse community culturally, educationally and professionally. Above all, we're united through a common faith in the Creator God. It's our hope that through God's grace and guidance, our community will be able to establish believers in God’s word, bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to others, and serve both the local communities we find ourselves apart of and the communities around the world."

我們是一個超宗派的教會, 由一群跟隨耶穌基督的人所組成. 靠著神的恩典和憐憫,我們彼此幫助和互相鼓勵來認識神, 追求屬靈的成長,以致更像基督。在這團體裡, 我們也歡迎一切心靈受傷的人士來到這位至大醫生---耶穌基督, 尋找醫治. 我們有英語和華語(翻譯成粵語)的崇拜。並且也有英語, 華語和粵語的小組或團契.我們萬分的歡迎你來參加我們的各樣的聚會活動, 認識這位創造天地之神.



早上 11:00 - 下午 12:30

10305 S. Main St.
Houston, TX 77025-5509
電話: 713.663.7550
傳真: 713.663.6896
